How Trujay handles the migration of relations in Salesforce system?

Last Updated: 10/05/23

Applies to:

Salesforce migration users interested in the migration of relations.

Solutions Overview: 

Explanation of the relations migration to/from Salesforce.

Tactical Rundown:

When migrating to/from Salesforce CRM - we need to keep in mind that there are:

1. Default relations for migration.
2. Custom fields (lookup), for example - "relation to Lead".
3. Different extensions (like Zoom extension / DocuSign extension) - relations to the other objects.

If we have a default object (for example, Account, Contact, Opportunity) and there is a custom field/ lookup "relation,"- we support such relations in all cases. They will be reflected in mapping on the source/target CRM.

As for extensions - relations will be migrated according to the mapping.


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